Key information

Team name: Wound clinics
Clinical Lead: Jo Constant
Team email:
Team address: ourZone, Pattens Lane, Rochester
Team phone: 0300 123 3444

About the team


We provide wound care support to mobile patients of all ages who have a Medway GP. We accept referrals from patients, their GPs, practice nurses, community nurses, same day treatment centres, A&E, day surgery, minor injury units, self-referrals and other allied health professionals.


Patients with cellulitis with no wound, acute diabetic foot, arterial issues or lymphoedema should be referred to community nursing (cellulitis), diabetic podiatry (acute diabetic foot), lymphoedema service (lymphoedema) and vascular team at MFT (arterial issues for duplex scan). 

Following a comprehensive assessment, we will discuss and advise on possible treatment for the patient’s condition and can arrange referral to other services if necessary.

The following forms are for use by healthcare professionals and self refers only:

Online referral form