Our Orthopaedic Triage Service is made up of a large team of experienced Advanced Clinical Practitioners (Physiotherapists and Podiatrists and Occupational Therapist as well as a GPSi) who will assess, diagnose, and help you to manage your Musculoskeletal Condition (bones, muscle, joints and soft tissue of the body) at health centres spread across the local community.

The aim of the service is to ensure that patients with MSK conditions are seen by the right clinician at the right time to facilitate a timely recovery. Our primary role is to provide specialist assessment, diagnosis and referral within the orthopaedic and rheumatological remit. After the initial assessment, the clinician may treat the patient via advice, exercises, review pain medication (as Some of our clinicians are registered Non-medical prescribers and can prescribe medications to support the management of the patients’ condition).

All our Orthopaedic Triage clinicians can provide a variety of peripheral joint and soft tissue injections. Some of our clinicians can perform Ultrasound Guided injections for improved accuracy with some procedures. All practitioners have a broad knowledge and understanding of both conservative and surgical options that may benefit the patient. This allows discussion around the subject of best care for the patient and most appropriate steps in their treatment and outcomes. Onward referral to other departments can also be arranged if appropriate.

We may refer the patient for Physiotherapy or for diagnostics investigations (e.g. x-rays or scans). Where surgery may be required the clinician will refer the patient to the appropriate hospital. Referral to other services following assessment may be appropriate and we will facilitate this where possible. This service is not an urgent service and operates with a waiting list for patients with routine conditions. The service excludes fracture clinic, urgent Emergency Department referrals including suspected Cauda Equina syndrome, suspected cancer 2 week wait, Identified inflammatory arthritis and MSK Physio 

To be referred to our service, GPs can send a referral letter to us using the electronic referral system.

Through choose and book the GP will provide an appointment request form, a unique reference number and a password. You must then ring the number provided by the GP to activate the referral. The referral will be reviewed by one of the CAS clinicians to assess the best person to see you.