We provide a wide range of health and care services across Medway for adults 18 years and older. These services may be delivered in your own home or in clinics located across Medway.

We also provide palliative support to people and families in both Swale and Medway including inpatient care in the Wisdom Hospice located in Rochester.

The services are working towards embedding Buurtzorg Principles

Building social value
We work to improve our understanding of the importance of changes that service users and staff experience and using such insights gain better understanding to make better decisions

Services and care that are person centred
Service users and their families are equal partners in planning, developing and monitoring care to make sure it meets their needs.

Enabling and supporting
Service users their carer’s and families – independent, self-managing and self-caring

Staff – leading change and innovation, taking responsibility, self-managing

People to make personal choices about care and place of care How do we know it

Listening and working with staff, service users, carers, families, partners and the wider community to create responsive services

Encouraging innovation
Support our services and staff to innovate, including with partner organisations in health and care.

Support and aid development of information technology to best support our staff and service users.

Blurring roles and care provision boundaries to best meet our services user’s needs.

Being flexible and adaptable to be able to meet changing needs

Coffee and Care
Promote the building of positive therapeutic relationships between our staff, service users and their families.

Keeping it simple
Challenge complexity and unnecessary bureaucracy to release time for front line clinicians to care.

Our mission is to optimise health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities by:

Local provision of health and care within your neighbourhood

Operating holistically

Compassionate care

Autonomous working

Learn through doing


Continuity of care

Aspiring to be the best we can

Retro innovating

Equality of opportunity