Asthma is one of the most common long term conditions affecting children and the unplanned admission rate for children with asthma or a viral wheeze in Medway is currently higher than the England average. All children with asthma should be able to lead a life full of opportunities to exercise, manage their own asthma and breath clean air. In order to maximise the quality of life children who have asthma /wheeze we offer training and support to families, schools and community groups.

Does your child have any of the following symptoms:

  • Wheeze
  • Breathless
  • Cough
  • Disturbed sleep because of any of the above?

A team of children’s community nurses with specialist training in asthma/wheeze.


We would like to improve the quality of life and reduce the number of children attending hospital with asthma or a viral wheeze by working in partnership with families and the wider community who has contact with children, and developing a ‘Medway Asthma Plan’ which will ensure that:

  • Every child or young person who has asthma has an up-to-date personalised asthma plan and good inhaler technique.
  • The wider community and children’s workforce knows how to recognise and support children and young people with asthma.
  • There is a consistent approach to identification and management of asthma.
  • Every child or young person, family members, and wider support network has an awareness of what may trigger asthma.

If you would like to be involved in the work we are planning please contact us on:

If your child has asthma/wheeze and you would like advice on how to best manage this please complete the referral form and we will contact you to arrange a visit to your home.

All referral forms should be completed and forwarded to