From health visitors and district nurses to speech and language therapists and out of hours urgent care, we provide 21 health services to the people of Medway.
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- Activity centre - ourZone
- Adult Speech and language therapy
- Advanced community practitioners
- Anti-coagulation/warfarin service
- Bladder and bowel service
- Blood test service (Phlebotomy)
- Brain tumour support
- Breast and bottle feeding
- Children's Occupational Therapy
- Children's Physiotherapy
- Children's Podiatry
- Children's Speech and Language Therapy
- Children's therapy (Swale)
- Clinical Assessment Service (CAS)
- Community equipment
- Continuing care
- Child Health Service
- Children's Dieticians
- Darland House
- Dementia Crisis Team
- Dementia services
- Dental (community)
- Dental (emergency)
- Diabetes
- End of life facilitators
- Falls prevention team
- Heart services (Cardiology)
- Information leaflets
- Integrated Locality Review Team (ILR)
- Intermediate care
- Medication clinic
- Medway on Call Care (MedOCC)
- Mental Health Practice Nurse Team
- OT hand therapy
- Palliative care (Wisdom Hospice)
- Patient Transport
- Physiotherapy (community)
- Physiotherapy (musculoskeletal)
- Physiotherapy (neurological)
- Podiatry (foot care)
- Rehabilitation (community)
- Rehabilitation (Walter Brice)
- Research
- Respiratory
- Tissue viability
- Urgent Response (UCR) Medway
- Wound clinic