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12th April 2021
Further easing of lockdown restrictions
As more restrictions ease today across Medway, please follow the guidance in place to protect one another. Remember, Hands. Face. Space. Fresh air.
31st March 2021
Help improve care for Long Covid sufferers
NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group want to hear from anyone in Kent and Medway who has had Covid-19 and has continued to experience symptoms over a longer period of time – particularly for more than four weeks, and also from family carers.
29th March 2021
From today (29th March), the Stay at Home rule will be lifted
As of today, the Stay at Home rule has been lifted but please continue to follow the guidance provided.
9th March 2021
Seven-year-old takes on marathon challenge to raise money for Snapdragons Children’s Centre in Strood
Seven-year-old Phoenix Fowler from Rainham has raised £600 for a Medway-based children’s centre by running a marathon throughout January.
4th February 2021
In order to help vulnerable elderly members of Medway, a scheme has been launched offering free cab rides to and from local Medway vaccination centres.
21st January 2021
Invite to participate in research study: Help us understand the psychological impact of COVID-19
Could you spare 15 minutes to help us understand the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing?
19th January 2021
High street pharmacies deliver NHS Covid jabs
Life-saving coronavirus jabs will begin to be delivered at High Street pharmacies from today as the NHS accelerates the biggest vaccination programme in its history.