After intense years of implementation, data collection, analyses and reporting, Transforming Integrated Care in the Community (TICC) project has come to an end. In other words, the most important phase has started. Disseminate, share findings and knowledge gained in recent years, in order to support other organizations and individuals.

Would you like to gain insight into how TICC partners have been creating systemic changes in health and social care? Download the final publications to learn everything about the implementation and evaluation of a new organisational model of homebased care services inspired by Buurtzorg!


One of the main outputs of this project from the start was to be a blueprint for successful transfer of social care from one country to another, benefitting all public/private services. The blurpint evaluates the whole project over the last five years across all European projects, including MCH.

Read it here >

Evaluation report

This report provides an extensive description of the evaluation of TICC during the 2017-2022 period. The order is based on the expected results stated at the start of the project, divided into four overarching project themes: TICC teams implemented, implementation experiences of the TICC model; care staff in self-managing TICC teams; and better care for people and cost savings.

The evaluation report will be available soon here >


Find out more about the project at MCH over the last five years, here >