On behalf of Vickie Widden, KMSAB Manager

The Public consultation for the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults and Board (KMSAB) Draft Strategic Plan 2019-21 is available from today and will remain open until midnight on Monday 1 April 2019 .  Would you please take a look at the draft and register your comments. In particular, if you have any service user and/or carer groups we would like to have their comments. An easy read version of the strategic plan is also available on the link provided.

Would you please feedback to Vickie Widden or Sharon Ann Thompson how you have shared this link and encouraged feedback, as all Board partner agencies will need to evidence that they have shared the consultation as widely as possible and that they have actively encouraged participation/feedback.

The consultation and supporting documents can be viewed by clicking on the link given below.  If you have any questions or issues with this, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
