Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group (KMCCG) is working with its partners, and people living with dementia and their carers to improve care for people living with dementia who also have complex care needs.

KMCCG want to hear from:
•    People living with dementia and their carers so the improved services will be informed by the experiences of people with dementia and their families.
•    NHS and social care staff, domiciliary carers, care home staff, domiciliary carers, and those voluntary organisations to understand how our health care system is working, and to help identify any gaps or improvements. 
•    Kent and Medway residents –so they can help KMCCG decide which principles to use when making decisions about these services which affect so many families
To find out more and to complete a survey about your experiences click here
If you have any ideas about how KMCCG could gather views, or any other questions about this project please email: